How to Make Water Chemical Analysis

To avoid mistakes and get most accurate information about chemical content and biological contamination in drinking water, it is necessary to make the test. This procedure will show you the water composition to check its quality, suitability for drinking, cooking and household needs. Water chemical analysis will show you whether the water will not cause damage a heating system and water supply. You will know whether you need water filters, and what kind of configuration must have a water purification system in your home.

How pick the water sample?

That the water chemical analysis will be accurate and reliable, the selection of water sample must comply with certain rules. Take a plastic bottle – good fit a bottle with 1.5-l volume of mineral water. Do not use for this purpose the bottle of Coca or other sweet drinks! Before you pour water on the analysis, drain it to avoid stagnant liquid penetrates into the bottle.

Remember that a vessel for your sample must be very clean, so it should be flushed the same water that you have sent to the laboratory. In order not to distort the results, you should not use detergents – just pure water.
Pour water on the vessel wall a thin stream. So you avoid the rapid oxygenation and prevent the flow of unwanted chemical reactions.

Fill the bottle completely, under the neck, leaving no space. Tightly screw the cap, making sure that the bottle has not air. Try to send your sample for analysis immediately. If this is not possible, you can store the water in a fridge, but no more than 48 hours (ideally – not more than a day). Stick a label on the bottle, which will indicate the exact location of water intake, including street and house number, the nature of the source (well, spring, tap water etc.), date and time of the vessel filling.
If your water is definitely smell hydrogen sulfide (its smell like the smell of rotten eggs), go ahead and take the lab preservative that substance. The water conservation will get you the most accurate results for sulfide compounds, allowing more intelligent and reasonable approach to the development of the filtration system.

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